Limba engleza manual pentru clasa a V-a. Pathway to english

Preț: 23,00 lei
Disponibilitate: în limita stocului
Autor: Alaviana Achim, Liana Capota, Ecaterina Comisel, Felicia Dinu, Alice Mastacan, Ruxandra Popovici
ISBN: 978-973-30-2533-7
Editura: Editura Didactica si Pedagogica
Anul publicării: 2009
Pagini: 160
Format: 20x30
ENGLEZA -Manual pentru clasa a V-a. Pathway to english Manualul este deosebit prin faptul ca il invata pe elev engleza moderna pentru comunicarea libera din viata de zi cu zi. Se remarca prin tematica pentru activitati de grup sau de perechi; il indeamna pe elev sa se corecteze si sa corecteze greselile colegilor lui; sa incerce sa-si exprime ideile propriiin limba engleza. Gramatica si vocabularul sunt prezente in fiecare lectie, dar ele trebuie explicate si insusite prin exercitiile aferente. To the pupil: ENGLISH AGENDA is your English course. It teaches you modern English for everyday communication, using topics which are popular with children of your age. We hope you will have fun learning English with this new book. But you'11 have to work hard, too. In class, your teacher will ask you to learn actively, often working in groups or pairs. You may sometimes be asked to correct your own, or each other's mistakes. But you'll also be encouraged to try to express your own ideas in English. Don't be frightened to take a risk! Grammar and vocabulary work are built into each lesson, but don't try to learn too many rules and words by heart. You learn to swim by swimming, not by learning about swimming. It's the same with English... practice makes perfect. Because "English Agenda" is your book, we want you to get to know it. Try these questions, which will help you to find your way about. 1. How many lessons are there in each unit? 2. What is the title of the fourth lesson in Unit 2? ' 3. Where is the contents page? 4. Where is the English - Romanian Glossary? 5. Where is the Romanian - English Glossary? 6. What can you find in Language Focus boxes? Now you're ready to begin. Work hard have fun with English. Good luck!
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